When you think of foods containing high levels of sugar, most people assume products advertised as ‘healthy’ would contain little to no sugar. But take a read of this article we found, which highlights five examples of foods you may think are healthy but have a high sugar content. 5 ‘Healthy’ Foods That Contain More…

How to make baby’s first dental visit less scary
Before taking your child to the dentist for the first time, there are some steps you can take to make the experience less frightening. Read more in this great article by Claire O’Mahony in the Irish Independent. Read the full article here.

Irish researchers develop ‘smart’ mouthguard
We were very interested to read this article by Erin McGuire in The Irish Times, about an Irish research project that will help in the fight against bruxism. The intelligent mouthguard, called ‘Smartsplint’, will collate data about how often you grind your teeth at night which your dentist will be then able to analyse. This data could help prevent long-term tooth damage which…

Dental decay in children on the increase
We recently read an article by Fiona Redden in The Irish Times, which discusses the increase in dental decay and thought it was worth sharing. The article mentions how a poor diet, an increase in sugary drinks (including dairy drinks) and poor brushing techniques are accelerating dental decay in children. Read the full article here.
Save your tooth
We all know that falling down is a part of playtime for children – whether it’s in the school yard, the playground or at home. In the unfortunate event where a tooth gets knocked out, it’s good to know what to do next. We found this great guide to help you preserve the tooth in…